Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Why Keratometer Is The Perfect Device For Eye-Care Professionals

Are you an eye care professional? Then, you must be using a device known as Keratometer. In fact, this is considered as the most perfectly designed instrument meant for measuring the anterior surface curvature of the cornea of a patient’s eye. The other familiar name given to this is ophthalmometer. This is a perfect device used to diagnose the existence of astigmatism in patients. Keratometer offers the capacity to determine the degree of astigmatism development in a patient’s eye. It also tells you the subsequent treatment required for curing it. Eye care surgeons, like you, can use this innovatively designed medical equipment to perform certain surgical procedures, needed in the eye care of patients.

Handheld USB Auto Keratometer

Nowadays, as an eye care specialists, you can find compactly designed handheld USB Automatic type of Keratometer. These have been introduced in selected markets in the world. The name of the product is, PalmScan K2000 Auto-Keratometer. This device is a new biometry device, offered to eye-care professionals, from a company named MMD. Eye-care specialists consider it as a perfectly designed tool used to measure the curvature of the cornea. Besides, the device is helpful for determining the power of cataract lens and its calculations. Through this innovative system, you will be able to measure quickly the curvature of corneal radius. It can be used to measure other parameters like corneal power, flat and steep axis of the cornea. It is a perfectly designed instrument introduced as a complement to A2000 A-Scan device. Every capture that you take from this device covers the image of the cornea. The Adjustable capture threshold guarantees that this instrument has the ability to scan all types of eyes. The system is handheld and offers portability. It can be carried to any location including the room where surgery is carried out. In fact, Keratometer is considered as an indispensable tool, meant for treating pediatric patients who are on a wheel-chair. Owing to its unique application for patients who are disabled, the device qualifies for the ADA Tax Credit only in the US.


Important Features Of PalmScan K2000 Keratometer

This newly introduced device offers eye-care professionals some innovative features. They include fast measurements and Adjustable capture threshold. You can create Interfaces with PalmScan USB A-Scan for easy IOL calculations. The device stores and displays captured images with error minimization. It offers the feature of adjustable capture threshold, as well. The instrument has facilities like PDF Print & EMR exportability, Bluetooth printing, WiFi capabilities, and creation of patient’s database. The device weighs only five ounces or 140 grams, with built-in fixation type of light. Further, it provides sixteen points Keratometry with three mm optical zone.

Advantages of PalmScan K2000 Keratometer

The following are some of the useful advantages that any eye-care professional can experience while using this first global fame USB auto-Keratometer. Some of them are that this device can be used in conjunction with PalmScan A2000 Tablet A-Scan. Hence, it is possible to transfer the results to IOL calculator automatically. You will be able to notice standard deviation with every image capture. The device enables you to the Steep and Flat axis in degrees. The device has the capability of measuring Steep and Flat corneal power, Steep and Flat Radius curvature of the cornea, in millimeters. 

The above benefits reveal that this Keratometer is the perfect device for professionals working in the eye-care industry.